Regional MLS adds "Street"

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Regional MLS, who serves the greater Palm Beach County, has added recently released 5 public fields to IDX for web sites. They are as follows:

  • Street Number = allows the Street Number to be publicly displayed
  • Street Name = allows the Street Name of the property to be publicly displayed
  • Street Directional = allows the Street directional (N, S, E, W) to be publicly displayed
  • Street Suffix = allows the Street Suffix (ST, AVE, DR, LN, TERR) to be publicly displayed
  • Total Baths =allows the total number of Baths to be displayed.
These fields are added to attain greater accuracy with the Address. Previously, the there was just one address field. Now there are 4 fields that create the whole address. For example:
Address = 100 N Main St
now becomes
Street Number = 100
Street Directional = N
Street Name = Main
Street Suffix = St

In addition, the TOTAL BATHS field was added. Before it was just FULL BATHS & HALF BATHS.

The Regional MLS (and other MLS's across the country) have a terrible habit of changing items without notifying their constituents. This causes issues with web sites that use IDX, or direct feeds from the MLS. These changes caught us off-guard and caused a few hiccups with our IDX web sites.

Since there is no forewarning of changes happening, the issue becomes that we don't know there is a change until it actually happens. In our experience, Regional MLS usually has issues implementing these changes causing a disconnect between MLS and the IDX. The Regional MLS RETS server becomes unavailable for various reasons. It usually takes Regional MLS a few days to hammer out these types of additions.

In this case, the there was no downtime.

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